
Empowerment Network Summary Transformation for Website 2024

The contents of this document reflect the work of hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals. Most are engaged as collaborative partners through a collective works process. Others are aligning their work with these efforts. Some are doing their part by working more independently. We honor and celebrate every organization and individual working to improve our community. Hundreds of additional organizations, programs and efforts are not identified but are doing great things in the community. If you or your organization would like to be included in future documents, please contact the Empowerment Network. And, if you would rather not have your organization included in the document, please contact the Network.

The input, recommendations, and suggestions of over 4,000 residents and leaders and over 4,000 youth and young adults, compiled through surveys and polls conducted at conferences, summits, forums, community meetings, outreach events and other small and large group sessions are summarized in this document as needs, issues and priorities. The community recommendations are then integrated with national best practices and key elements of successful movements to form the basis of the comprehensive and collaborative strategies. Thank you to the Omaha Public Schools, Omaha Police Dept., Douglas County, City of Omaha, and community partners for assisting with gathering information for the report. And, special thanks to OEDC and
UNO for their assistance with ACS, North Omaha demographics, and maps on unemployment and poverty.